DoorDash + Below Deck: Sailing Yacht

Many thanks to our dear friends @bravo and nbc creative partnerships for inviting us to collaborate! Our incredible art team led by @walterbarnett helped us transform a lobby entrance into a master bathroom suite on a super yacht, all in a single day. The team also built a separate washroom w porthole views of the marina. Our world in creative production has evolved more and more to including everything at once– arrival at location, building the set, dressing it, lighting it, shooting and wrapping out in a single 12 hour day – a challenge most production weren’t facing ten years ago. Today, everyone is digging in to make it special and make it work, from the brands and agencies to the creatives and crew! The pace at which we work is only possible w supportive partners and a family of pros w a shared spirit + passion. Thank you to our Lincoln Show teams #doordash #nbccreativepartnerships #belowdecksailingyacht #delreyyachtclub